Monday, March 10, 2008

Spare my Lungs

What is the appeal of cigarettes? Seriously, I am just curious. They provide no high or chemical satisfaction to speak of, unless, of course, you are already addicted to nicotine. I just don't understand the point. Especially as I get older, and am constantly walking behind people on campus just puffing away. Umm, did you not SEE those infomercials when we were kids? What, during your lifetime, possessed you to take up this death wish habit? No one really considers smoking "cool" anymore (like they did in the old glamour days of Hollywood and such). I am just baffled.
Beyond that, here is where my rant comes in. If you so choose to be suicidal and habitually ingest all these carcinogens for absolutely no reason, that's your beef. But see, I''m NOT a total dumb ass, so spare my pristine respiratory system, please. Don't puff your shit in my face and act like it's no big deal. How about I just pour some lighter fluid on your burger then? I choose not to smoke because I don't like it, you need to respect my desire to live and take your rank-ass habit away from my breathing space.
What enrages me more goes beyond my own selfish health needs. People seem to completely disregard the fact that there are people out there with conditions that can be severely worsened by your second hand smoke bullshit. People have asthma, or even allergies to cigarette smoke that can be seriously messed up by your cancer stick. So come on, man. If you think you're super cool for puffing away on your death wish, whatever. But have some consideration. Your tar-encrusted lungs don't own the airspace, so stop contaminating it.


Christeen said...

I do not smoke and i wish my parents didin't smoke so much. However, I think that you will have better luck petitioning the local government with a team of people about air pollution regulations, than blogging about smoking if you are really concerned about your "pristine repiratory system.".

Steve-o said...

I am no longer a smoker, I have been quit for 3 1/2 years, but I was for 6 years and about half of the people I still hang out with smoke. Smoking does produce a high, and it is a quite euphoric one, the only problem is the more you smoke the less you feel the rush and by the time you don't notice it anymore you are already addicted.

For some one who has been on both sides of the issue, you need to respect the smokers right to smoke as much as they need to respect your right not to want it around you. Until smoking tobacco is made illegal people who wish to smoke have the right to do so. Besides, I'm sure you have some habits that people find disgusting, but they aren't asking you to stop.

Kimberly said...

For the record, if only to defend myself, I am not saying people do not have a right to smoke. People have the right to do whatever they want. But, as a non smoker, and as a person who has seen MULTIPLE family members die from smoking related illnesses, I think it is necessary for people that DO choose to smoke to respect people who do NOT. I am not saying ban smoking, or quarantine all smokers into a tiny room somewhere, I am just asking for people to, for once, be considerate of others around them. Some people are deathly allergic to smoke or have bad asthma...they deserve the right to clean air as much as everyone else. So I am not condemning smoking at all, I am just asking for some courtesy.