Saturday, February 9, 2008

Emily Post is PISSED.

Remember manners? Those were fun, right? I would like to know when that whole "politeness" trend is going to come back. Because really, I've had enough. I cannot tell you how many times over the past week I have held the door open for someone and they don't even say "thanks". Or how many times at work I have asked someone "How are you today?" and gotten the response, "Grande mocha frappuccino with extra whip and caramel sauce." (PS-never work at Starbucks). Seriously, what would your mother say if she knew you didn't even say HELLO to someone who was speaking to you?!?! She'd spank you with a broom and send you to your bed without supper, that's what she'd do!
What makes people think that they are so entitled and just purely awesome-tastic that they are above basic manners? I don't care if you have a Coach purse or drive a Mercedes, you're not above a "Thank you". Sorry, Buster. People who have no consideration for other human beings make me realllllly want to believe that there is some power of fate in this universe. Because basically, if you can't muster up the courage to say "thanks" when I stand there for a solid minute holding the door open for you while you sip a San Pelligrino and talk to Sally on your Iphone, then I sincerely hope that someday you find a jellyfish floating in your drink...and that it so does NOT say sorry when it stings you.

1 comment:

Tasi Alabastro said...

Boy, I hate that myself! I work the box office window at San Jose Repertory Theatre and it bugs me to no end when the people do not introduce themselves properly or are just down right rude!

*wrinkles nose and frowns*