Thursday, March 27, 2008


This kind of ties in with my whole "manners" rant, but oh well. When did it become acceptable for people to completely ignore all other members of the human race? The other day, as I was leaving a supermarket, these lame college dudes were sitting at their car eating lunch with all the doors open. I was parked next to them, so as I approached my car I asked them if I could get in. One of the guys said "oh, sorrrrry" in a sarcastic tone, his friend barely moved, and then didn't feel any need to close his car doors as I backed out of my parking spot. So I was forced to maneuver my way around his unnecessarily open car doors just so I could leave and not scratch my vehicle. What the hell is that? Who are these stoner kids who feel so entitled that they don't need to move for another person...let alone a moving vehicle?!
I just have had a hard time lately grappling with this shittastic sense of entitlement. How were these people raised? The same people who will shoulder-swipe you on the sidewalk or in the store, and not even acknowledge that they just gave you whiplash. Or even better, that person then expects YOU to apologize to THEM. Perhaps its just my jaded side talking after years of retail work and seeing the absolute worst in people, but what is happening to the world? Is chivalry really that dead, in all senses? No wonder this world is going to shit, if no one can even muster a minuscule amount of dignity to show respect or even recognition of other human beings. Holier-than-thou you are NOT, dear selfish person. Swallow a reality pill along with your Prozac tomorrow morning.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Spare my Lungs

What is the appeal of cigarettes? Seriously, I am just curious. They provide no high or chemical satisfaction to speak of, unless, of course, you are already addicted to nicotine. I just don't understand the point. Especially as I get older, and am constantly walking behind people on campus just puffing away. Umm, did you not SEE those infomercials when we were kids? What, during your lifetime, possessed you to take up this death wish habit? No one really considers smoking "cool" anymore (like they did in the old glamour days of Hollywood and such). I am just baffled.
Beyond that, here is where my rant comes in. If you so choose to be suicidal and habitually ingest all these carcinogens for absolutely no reason, that's your beef. But see, I''m NOT a total dumb ass, so spare my pristine respiratory system, please. Don't puff your shit in my face and act like it's no big deal. How about I just pour some lighter fluid on your burger then? I choose not to smoke because I don't like it, you need to respect my desire to live and take your rank-ass habit away from my breathing space.
What enrages me more goes beyond my own selfish health needs. People seem to completely disregard the fact that there are people out there with conditions that can be severely worsened by your second hand smoke bullshit. People have asthma, or even allergies to cigarette smoke that can be seriously messed up by your cancer stick. So come on, man. If you think you're super cool for puffing away on your death wish, whatever. But have some consideration. Your tar-encrusted lungs don't own the airspace, so stop contaminating it.